We welcome local businesses to apply for a Business Account. To qualify, your business needs to be located within 30 miles of a branch and a Logix approved industry. For non-existing Logix members, the business must be established for 1 year or more. Find out if you qualify by filling out the form below.
Where is your business located?
Enter your business address to see if there's a Logix branch near you.
Your business must be located within 30 miles of a Logix branch. For more information, please contact (877) 984-5328.
This type of business you selected does not qualify. For more information, please contact (877) 984-5328.
Your business qualifies for a Logix business account.
Please allow at least 30 minutes to apply. For security purposes, the application process cannot be saved. Be sure to have the following documents ready prior to applying:
Formal identification - this would include, but not limited to, state ID, driver's license, passport, resident alien card, etc.
Current financial institution's account and routing numbers Other funding sources available upon request. Please contact one of our Business Services Representative for more information
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